Moving orthodontic appliances
Orthodontic Removable Appliances
Orthodontic mobile devices have two obvious advantages that immediately catch the eye of every consumer: first, they can be removed from the mouth when it’s sensitive, and at least at the beginning of work, patients get better. Accepted. Secondly, they are made in the laboratory, so in the first stages of treatment, the physician takes less time.
These devices also have some disadvantages: the response to the treatment largely depends on the acceptance of the device by the patient and his co-operation, since the device is only effective when used. It is also difficult to obtain two-point contact with these devices, which is essential for complex dental movements. This will limit their therapeutic power. Because of these limitations, the greatest benefit of mobile devices is their use in the first stage of a two-stage orthodontic treatment. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment is performed with fixed devices, not with moving devices.
The evolution of mobile devices
In the United States, Victor Hugo Jackson was among the pioneers and fans of the mobile device in the early twentieth century. At that time there was no acrylic (new plastic material) to make the base plate, nor stainless steel wire to form a springboard. Meanwhile, mobile devices were relatively benign tools that were made from volcanite and their wires made of precious metal or nickel-silver alloy. In the early 1900s George Cruz offered a moving device that was made entirely of precious metal and is still being used. This device has a good maintenance class on the first molars (modified Jakson class), thick wire wires as a frame of the device, and thinner shafts of gold for the desired teeth to move. When the crossover device came in, the regular fixture contained a strap (only on the first molars) and a thick, lobal or lingual wire, the adjacent teeth being closed and moved by the Ligacour’s wires. The crossover machine was a flexible and flexible type of machine. The metal framework and good classmates made the device better than any other mobile device at that time. Classes have sufficient stroke and thus the use of lightweight and elastic elastics of the class || To correct class anomalies || There was a crossover device.
The Cruzette system had some pretty but admirers, especially in the New Orleans area. This device still has fans but generally has little effect on the overall orthodontic process in the United States. From the very beginning, US orthodontic emphasis has been on fixed devices.
The evolution of mobile devices continued for many reasons in Europe, and they remained unaware of fixed devices. There were three main reasons for this:
The belief and bias of the parasite on the ideal occlusion and the attempts to place one teeth in the arc had less effect on the part of the Europeans.
An interesting result of these issues was that between 1925 and 1965, the orthodontics of the United States almost completely relied on fixed devices, while these devices were essentially unknown in Europe, and all treatments including growth guidance and types Dental movements were performed on mobile devices. Most of the European mobile devices in this period were functional appliances for changing growth. In terms of the definition of a functional device, the device changes the position of the jaw by holding or opening the jaw. A compression that results from muscle tension and soft tissue transmitted to the teeth and bones, changes the teeth and growth. The Manoblucque produced by Robin in the early 1900s is the leading of all functional devices, but the activist provided by Anderson in Norway in the 1920s was the first widely accepted functional device. The Anderson activator was the basis of the treatment called the Norwegian system. Both the system’s system and its theory depended on it in Europe, and in other places, especially in Germany, it was used by Haupl.
The orthodontic movable plates have advantages and disadvantages
In the treatment of mobile devices, an orthodontic device is used for removable plaques that can be removed and repeatedly removed by the patient or by an orthodontist. Although the range of dental movements is less than that of movable plates, skeletal treatments and growth treatments are generally carried out by moving plates, and mobile plates are superior in this regard to fixed devices. However, the use of mobile plates requires less flexibility than fixed devices, and, on the other hand, it is less possible to create unpleasant movements with these devices due to their mobility, if the person treating the principles of proper use and correct use of this To understand the devices, it will be able to easily treat many dental and skeletal abnormalities, thus eliminating the need for complex treatments and even costly and hazardous surgeries. In some cases, the use of some fixed fasteners with mobile plates can greatly increase the ability of this device. These attachments also facilitate extrusion, introspection, rotational modification, or even root aperitifs.
In general, mobile orthodontic devices fall into three groups:
Fewer costs, better hygiene, the use of byteplan and less time spent in the office are the hallmarks of moving orthodontic appliances.
Advantages of Moving Orthodontic Devices
Moving orthodontic appliances have concessions that are briefly referred to some of them:
They are easy to adjust and have little complexity.
Disadvantages of moving orthodontic appliances
These devices only have uncontrolled tweaking movements and can not be used to perform other movements (body and root movements). For example, in order to pull the first premolar tooth, if a canine can be moved from a mobile plaque, the tooth will have a minor crown inclination from the beginning. In cases where the teeth have a severe rotation, the moving device can not be used except for the central and lateral incisors, with a crown and the possibility of applying force in opposite directions in the crown. Of course, in these cases there is a possibility of shortness or lengthening of the crown length of the teeth.
In abnormal jaw abnormalities, mobile plaques do not have much effect, and often more complex treatments are needed. It is also very difficult to close the remaining spaces with the mobile device. If severe corroditism is severe, the need for a tooth extraction can be made more frustrating with the moving device, as long as the patient has a slight corundum, tooth extraction is also required.
Only with the first premolar tooth extraction can an appropriate contact between the canin and the second premolar be achieved with the mobile device, and in other cases it is not possible to reach the desired contact, and it is often necessary to use fixed devices to complete the treatment.
It is very difficult to supply a lower jaw plaque. In addition, there is little space to put the plain parts. For example, placing fingerprinting conflicts with the language. As a result, the patient is suitable for mobile placement treatment, a disease that has low jaw problems or problems, and only jaw requires treatment, and finally, the use of a mobile plaque is fully dependent on the patient. As a result, it is difficult to achieve the desired result in patients who lack proper co-operation, such as mentally retarded patients. In these cases, if necessary, fixed devices should be used.
*** Orthodontic motion is not prescribed when: The patient is in need of a lack of cooperation or mental retardation.
Ortodontic Movement Plates
As a principle, a desirable result is obtained when appropriate for the treatment of any abnormality of the device. The best results can be obtained by moving orthodontic instruments in the following cases:
Prohibitions on the use of mobile orthodontic plates
In patients with class II or III malocclusion, which is prescribed by camouflage, and because of the need for multiple and differential movements in the teeth, treatment with fixed devices is recommended. Also, in patients with high facial height or excessive mandibular angle, fixed devices are preferred because of the need to perform intrusion movements in the teeth. In extreme malformations with excessive bustle of teeth, and when routine dental movements are required to treat abnormalities, it is not recommended to use movable plates. If there are major blemishes in soft tissue such as severe periodontal disorders or the presence of labial fennel located between the root of the teeth, it is better to use orthodontic fixed devices for treatment.
Desirable features of an orthodontic mobile plaque
An orthodontic mobile plaque must have the attribute that excels in the same conditions as constant devices, including the following:
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*** With an animated plaque, you can even treat four or five complications simultaneously.
Selection of suitable samples for treatment with mobile devices
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