Care after orthodontic treatment

  • Care after orthodontic treatment

Care after orthodontic treatment

Congratulations to you who have completed the main stage of your treatment, to maintain the results of the treatment and to prevent the return of the results of treatment, it is very important to take into account the stage of preservative therapy.

The goal of this step is actually to adapt the gum and tissue retaining tooth with a new condition. Since the gums of the retaining tissues of the teeth, such as cachex, after a fixed treatment, it takes a long time to reconstruct these tissues in a new condition and to reverse the results.

At this stage, depending on the type of patient’s initial problem, the patient’s cooperation and desire is the type of preservative (or so-called retiner). The usual type of retainer is movable appliances, which are individually provided for the upper and lower jaws.

These removable Appliances should be used in the first 3-4 months, 24 hours a day except for eating, and then used for up to 12 months at night, and after that the use of the plaque should be discontinued, provided that the condition of the specified teeth And the patient’s growth is almost complete.




Another type of retainer, called a fixed holder, is in fact a thin wire that is glued to the interior surface of the teeth with tooth-colored material, which is used most of the time for front teeth and for mandibles. The use of this retainer in the upper jaw It is not advisable because the edges of the front teeth will hit them and cause it to dry out for some time.

These preservatives should sometimes be used in certain lifetime problems. In other cases, after at least 18 months, it can be taken again, provided that the condition of the teeth is specified and the patient’s growth is almost complete. For this preservative, maintaining the health of the teeth on which the retaining agent is attached is very important.

The last and new type of preservatives is the use of thin transparent skins that are placed only on the teeth and lack additional portions on the mouth and sides of the tongue.

When using these removable appliances, it is not clear at all, and the patient is comfortable, although it will have a brief effect on the patient’s speech. The use of this preservative is similar to that of a movable plate, which should be 24 hours a day in the first 3-4 months, except for the time of food Eat and then used for up to 12 months at night, and then resume using the plaque, provided that the condition of the teeth is specified and the patient’s growth is almost completely completed.

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