Pediatric Orthodontics

  • Pediatric Orthodontics

Pediatric Orthodontics

Pediatric orthodontics

Given that there is no exact age for initiating orthodontic treatment for children, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends the age of primary orthodontic counseling at age seven.

At this age, most children have dental teeth and permanent teeth that make orthodontic treatment more rapid and non surgical.

Orthodontic Specialist performs the initial treatment ( orthodontic prevention ) for the following reasons:

  • Correcting and directing baby’s jaw growth to help grow flat teeth 
  • Upper and down arc settings 
  • Create more space for irregular teeth 
  • Avoiding permanent teeth later in life 
  • Fix sucking and help improve minor speech problems
    It’s not always easy for parents to know if their child needs a orthodontic treatment or not … !!!The following may mean that your child needs orthodontic treatment :


    • Baby teeth sooner or later 
    • Hard chewing or eating foods 
    • Having oral breathing 
    • Sucking Thumbs 
    • Having unplanned, busy and low teeth 
    • jacks that call when opening and closing 
    • Tooths that are unusually inverted and not arranged together 
    • Jaw and teeth that are not suitable for facial members 
    • Unconscious and busy teeth at about seven or eight years of age 

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